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From: mmdf@punt.demon.co.uk
Date: Sat Jun 24 1995 - 23:26:29 EDT

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        Your message begins as follows:

Received: from punt.demon.co.uk via puntmail for georgefoot@oxted.demon.co.uk;
          Fri, 16 Jun 95 14:20:12 GMT
Received: from unicode.org by punt.demon.co.uk id aa14221; 16 Jun 95 15:19 +0100
Received: by Unicode.ORG (NX5.67c/NX3.0M)
        id AA27531; Fri, 16 Jun 95 05:50:34 -0700
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 95 05:50:34 -0700
From: unicode@unicode.org
Message-Id: <9506161250.AA27531@Unicode.ORG>
Reply-To: kolbjorn.aambo@ub.uio.no
Errors-To: uni-bounce@Unicode.ORG
Subject: End of Paragraph contol character (CR, CR LF, LF)
To: unicode@unicode.org

Excuse me if this question have been addressed before but;

To make a future platform independent textformat for storage of text would
it not be required that CR, CR LF or LF are unified using only one of them
or freferably an other character all together. Would not Group Separator
Code Number 29 according to ISO/IEC 6429:1992 - CONTROL FUNCTIONS FOR CODED
CHARACTER SETS be the best idea?

Kolbj=F8rn Aamb=F8, University of Oslo Library, Norway.

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