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From: mmdf@punt.demon.co.uk
Date: Sat Jun 24 1995 - 23:26:32 EDT

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        Your message begins as follows:

Received: from punt.demon.co.uk via puntmail for georgefoot@oxted.demon.co.uk;
          Sat, 17 Jun 95 00:37:21 GMT
Received: from unicode.org by punt.demon.co.uk id aa21836; 17 Jun 95 1:37 +0100
Received: by Unicode.ORG (NX5.67c/NX3.0M)
        id AA00865; Fri, 16 Jun 95 13:35:48 -0700
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 95 13:35:48 -0700
From: unicode@unicode.org
Message-Id: <9506162035.AA00865@Unicode.ORG>
Reply-To: Asmus Freytag <asmusf@ix.netcom.com>
Errors-To: uni-bounce@Unicode.ORG
Subject: Re: End of Paragraph contol character (CR, CR LF, LF)
To: unicode@unicode.org

The paragraph separator is 2029 PARAGRAH SEPARATOR and the line
separator (for forcing a shorter line inside a paragraph) is 2028

2028 LINE SEPARATOR should NOT be used to simply replace \n. It's use
should be restricted to cases where there is a line in a paragraph that

should not be flown together with the next line on re-flowing the

Any use of 000D and/or 000A is purely platform dependent and a

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