Going Off Line? Why Not Start Here?

From: Sarasvati (root)
Date: Fri Sep 26 1997 - 16:29:10 EDT

Aloha Monsieur Everson...

Your generous bushel of rupees arrived in good repair, with
all flowers in lovely bloom and incense alight... so I thank you.
Now you may read on and enjoy yourself.

Occasionally I see requests to take the discussion "off line",
but I've noticed there is no place for off line discussions.
Where would they go? I have therefore created an offline list.
It is not a jest, it is "offline@unicode.org". The subscription
and maintenance address is "offline-request@unicode.org".
The help file is attached below, so you will know it is real.

Anyone may subscribe to "offline", conduct their brief offline
business, and unsubscribe at will. It's as simple as can be.

I most sincerely hope you all will find it a useful and productive
place to take your discussion when it is overly technical, or very
boring, or too detailed, or too off-subject, or perhaps even too
exciting for the regular mail list.

Your eager and unsleeping servant
in all reasonable matters,

        -- Sarasvati


This is a list for "offline discussion". If you need help,
ask for it offline. But don't expect to get any help.


You can subscribe to the offline mail list by sending a message to
the list's "request" address, offline-request@unicode.org.
The subject line of your message should contain the word "subscribe".
The body of the message should contain a subscription command,
which has the following form:

        subscribe YOUR_ADDRESS LIST_NAME

For example, if your e-mail address is "V_WoodHull@whitehouse.gov" you
would subscribe to the offline list by sending a note to
"offline-reqest@unicode.org" with the subject line "subscribe" and the
contents as follows:

        subscribe V_WoodHull@whitehouse.gov offline

(Your personal name should not be specified; only your electronic mail
address is needed for subscription.) Subscriptions take effect
immediately, beginning with the next message posted to the list.


You may remove yourself from the mail list at any time by similarly sending
an "unsubscribe" message, for example, assuming your address is
"Leon_Trotsky@whitehouse.gov" you would unsubscribe by sending the following
message to the same address "offline-request@unicode.org":

        unsubscribe Leon_Trotsky@whitehouse.gov offline


When you wish to post a message to the list itself (i.e., to the
subscribers), send it to "offline@unicode.org", not to the request
address, "offline-request@unicode.org". The "-request" address is
only for subscription and unsubscription.


There is no help, and complaints will be steadfastly ignored. After all,
you're OFF LINE.

The subscription mechanism is very literal, and it doesn't know about all
the aliases by which you may be known. Therefore when you subscribe please
make a note of your precise subscription address. You will not be able to
unsubscribe without matching the precise address by which you subscribed.
For example, if you subscribe as "karl_marx@nowhere.com" then you will NOT
be able to unsubscribe by the name "k.marx@nowhere.com", or by
"karl_marx@mail.nowhere.com" or any other such mis-matched address.

And if you can't unsubscribe, that's tough, because you're OFF LINE.


The mail lists are not serviced by a LISTSERV type of server. The command
set of the server is limited to simple requests for addition & removal.
There is no digest mode. The list of subscribers is not available.
Messages are usually archived on a temporary basis, but the archives are
not currently available for downloading; and there are no plans to make
them available.

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Tue Jul 10 2001 - 17:20:37 EDT