Hello Unicoders,
We just finished one very successful conference, and now it is time to start
thinking about the next one: IUC 12 in Tokyo, April 8 and 9, 1998. Computing's
Unicode foundation is really growing, in large measure driven by Java and the
WWW. We will continue to look at these topics, as well as others on the
broader aspects of global software and those of relevance to Asia.
We hope you can join us in Tokyo.
Best regards,
Lisa Moore
Co-chair, IUC 12 Review Board
Twelfth International Unicode/ISO 10646 Conference
Global Computing Showcase
Software and the Internet: Creating a Unicode(R) Foundation
April 8-9, 1998
Tokyo, Japan
The Internet and the World Wide Web continue to change the shape of
computing. The goal of network computing and understandable text
access across wide, diverse groups of people has brought great
momentum to computing environments that build Unicode into their
foundation. Whether it's new e-business, network access to data, or
very portable applications, Unicode makes a solid foundation for
the network, global enterprises, and software users everywhere.
The Twelfth International Unicode Conference will address topics
ranging from Unicode use in the Internet and World Wide Web, to the
latest developments with Java. Particular emphasis will be on using
Unicode in East Asia and the Pacific Rim. Conference attendees will
include managers, software engineers, systems analysts, and product
marketing personnel responsible for the development of software
supporting Unicode/ISO 10646 as well as those involved in all
aspects of the globalization of software and the Internet.
Justsystems Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
W3C Consortium
Submissions due: November 14, 1997
Notification date: December 17, 1997
Camera ready papers due: January 23, 1998
Computing with Unicode is the overall theme of the Conference.
Presentations should be geared towards a technical audience.
Suggested topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- The Internet and Unicode
- Java and Unicode
- The World Wide Web (WWW) and Unicode
- Unicode and Asian script processing
- Unicode and Asian minority languages
- Character set issues on the Internet and WWW
- Metadata and Unicode
- Web search engines and Unicode
- Library and archival concerns
- Unicode in UNIX
- Unicode in databases
- Unicode in large scale networks
- The results of using Unicode applications (case studies, solutions)
- Business topics and market forecasts
- Language processing issues with Unicode data
- Migrating legacy applications to Unicode
- Cross platform issues
- Compression of Unicode data
- Testing Unicode applications
- Usability evaluations of Unicode applications
The Conference Program will provide a wide range of sessions
- Keynote presentations
- Technical presentations
- Panel sessions
- Open discussion sessions
- Workshops/Tutorials
All sessions except the Workshops/Tutorials will be of 40 minute
duration. In some cases, two consecutive 40 minute program slots may
be devoted to a single session.
The Workshops/Tutorials will each last three hours. They should be
designed to stimulate discussion and participation, using slides and
If your paper is accepted, your details will be included in the
Conference brochure and Web pages and the paper itself will appear in
the book of Conference Proceedings. We are also considering publishing
papers on CD-ROM.
Submissions must contain:
1 An abstract of 150-250 words, consisting of statement of purpose,
paper description, and your conclusions or final summary
2 A brief biography
3 The details listed below:
NAME: Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms: _________________________________________
TITLE/POSITION: _________________________________________
ORGANIZATION/AFFILIATION: _________________________________________
ORGANIZATION'S WWW URL: _________________________________________
OWN WWW URL: _________________________________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: _________________________________________
ADDRESS FOR PAPER MAIL: _________________________________________
TELEPHONE: _________________________________________
FAX: _________________________________________
TITLE OF SESSION: _________________________________________
TYPE OF SESSION: [ ] Keynote presentation
[ ] Technical presentation
[ ] Panel session
[ ] Open discussion session
[ ] Workshop/Tutorial
TARGET AUDIENCE (you may select more than one category):
[ ] Manager
[ ] Software Engineer
[ ] Systems Analyst
[ ] Marketer
[ ] Other: ______________________________
For e-mail submissions, please submit in ASCII, uncoded, non-
compressed text and use the following subject line:
Proposal for IUC 12
Submissions should be sent to the following address by e-mail, post,
or fax:
Twelfth International Unicode Conference
c/o Global Meeting Services
6160 Charae Street
San Diego, CA 92122
Tel: +1-619-638-0206
Fax: +1-619-638-0504
E-mail: papers@unicode.org
or: info@global-conference.com
The Conference will have an Exhibition area for corporations or
individuals who wish to display and promote their products, technology
and/or services.
Every effort will be made to provide maximum exposure and advertising.
Exhibit space is limited. For further information or to reserve a
place, please contact Global Meeting Services at the above location.
Hotel Laforet Tokyo
mail address : Gotenyama-Hills
7-36, Kita-shinagawa 4-chome,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140
main phone number : +03-5488-3911
facsimile number : +03-5488-3903
The Unicode Standard is a 16-bit character encoding encompassing the
world's principal scripts which provides the foundation for the
internationalization and localization of software. With its simple
and efficient approach to special and modified characters, the Unicode
Standard defines a new degree of data portability between platforms
and across borders. Software (especially modern, distributed systems)
can be adapted for particular countries far more easily than when
existing character sets are used. The Unicode Standard is code-for-
code identical to the International Standard ISO/IEC 10646.
For further information on the Unicode Standard, visit the Unicode Web
site at <http://www.unicode.org> or e-mail <unicode-inc@unicode.org>.
(R) 'Unicode' is a registered trademark of Unicode, Inc.
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