A 09:39 98-03-10 -0800, Otto Stolz a écrit :
>Whoever wants this article can have it for the asking (per private e-
>mail). But please do not ask me to translate it.
>Best wishes,
> Otto Stolz
[Alain] :
I was just reminded by brilliant IBM people that the Altavista search
engine interface now has a public automatic translator... it does a job
that gives you at least a good idea of what is being told...
They translate from French to English my texts in this way and they seem
relatively satisfied... And so does the CEN/TC304 secretary with my texts,
he said so publicly (sometime it is a bit funny, but it gives a good
overall sight of an article).
German to English is of course supported and it's free...
You can copy and paste any text and pass it through that filter... the only
drawback : you have to do it by little chunks, otherwise a large text will
be truncated. But it is worth it.
Alain LaBonté
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