I agree with the recommendation for using RRA, but it takes a vote of the UTC
to make it so. To make sure that items get on the agenda for the next UTC,
they should to be sent to utc-chair@unicode.org. Best is if you identify the
precise text in the book that needs to be changed, and the proposed new text.
James E. Agenbroad wrote:
> Tuesday, December 22, 1998
> Are those who should do so considering this recommendation?
> All the best for 1999!
> Regards,
> Jim Agenbroad ( jage@LOC.gov )
> The above are purely personal opinions, not necessarily the official
> views of any government or any agency of any.
> Phone: 202 707-9612; Fax: 202 707-0955; US mail: I.T.S. Dev.Gp.4, Library
> of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20540-9334 U.S.A.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 05:40:56 -0800 (PST)
> From: Michael Everson <everson@indigo.ie>
> Reply-To: unicore@unicode.org
> To: Multiple Recipients of Unicore <unicore@unicode.org>
> Subject: Batting the Eyelash-RA
> On early October, Ken asked:
> >Unicadettes,
> >
> >Would someone more competent in Devanagari than I please
> >take up this issue raised by Jim Agenbroad and provide explanatory text
> >to the editorial committee for the book regarding how this issue is
> >to be dealt with. This has been a recurrent, nagging problem for the last
> >two years, and it is time for someone to deal with it.
> >
> >--Ken
> James Agenbroad forwarded a large number of e-mails to me on this subject.
> Without burdening this list with copies of that marterial here, I present
> below my recommendation for the resolution of the problem:
> *** Use RRA (U+0931) to encode Eyelash-RA, as ISCII does. ***
> The example in Unicode 2.0, which states that RA + VIRAMA + ZWJ yields
> Eyelash-RA is not correct. Evidence shows that the words AACAARYAACAA 'one
> belonging to the teacher' and AACAAR'YAACAA must be distinguished
> orthographically and therefore ZWJ cannot be used to make the distinction
> because in plain text (since it is ignored in sorting and matching
> operations). See the attached gif for samples of these two words.
> The related issue of how to represent half-forms and variant half-forms
> with ZWJ remains open. See the attached gif for a sample of two common
> half-forms of SHA (U+0392). All I can think of is to use some generic
> control characters (01-16) after the ZWJ to force one or more variant
> shapes based on a glyph catalogue.
> The Otani Tibetan WorldScript software for the Mac does something like this
> -- there is one variant mark and the form of a SHAD for instance depends on
> the number of times you type the variant mark key ofter it. But the line
> between inputting and encoding is a little fuzzy here.
> Anyway I hope this closes the door on the Eyelash-RA issue.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Name: eyelash.gif
> eyelash.gif Type: GIF Image (IMAGE/GIF)
> Encoding: BASE64
> Part 1.3 Type: Plain Text (TEXT/PLAIN)
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