Lots of people confuse the typewriter type style called "pica" with the
measurement of the same name.
-----Original Message-----
From: John Cowan [mailto:cowan@locke.ccil.org]
Sent: Donnerstag, 14. Januar 1999 09:44
To: Unicode List
Subject: Re: Metric Typography Units
Markus Kuhn wrote:
> The legacy we have to fight with is that typewriters were invented in
> the US and most typographic software used today is exported from the
> and therefore the rest of the world has to suffer under the silly
> inch-based Flintstone units and will continue to do so in the 21st
> century. It's a real hassle.
<flame level='mild' type='chauvinism'>Hey, it was the U.S. who
devised the point system (admittedly based on the inch) back when
the rest of the world was still suffering from a variety of
*named* font sizes. The whole idea of standardizing on
*numerical* sizes in a fixed relationship to one another was
what we "foisted on the world".
I don't see what typewriters have to do with it: their font sizes
have nothing to do with points.</flame>
-- John Cowan http://www.ccil.org/~cowan cowan@ccil.org You tollerday donsk? N. You tolkatiff scowegian? Nn. You spigotty anglease? Nnn. You phonio saxo? Nnnn. Clear all so! 'Tis a Jute.... (Finnegans Wake 16.5)
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