FW: Euro for Cyrillics

From: Magda Danish (Unicode) (v-magdad@microsoft.com)
Date: Fri Sep 10 1999 - 12:52:24 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: Tamye Riggs [mailto:tamye@garagefonts.com]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 9:32 AM
To: magda@unicode.org
Subject: Euro for Cyrillics

We are a type foundry, and we have just accepted a number of Cyrillic fonts
into our library. We are currently requiring all type designs to include
the Euro symbol. We know where this goes in Latin fonts (Decimal Slot
219/Currency), so that's not a problem.

However, I cannot find information on where the Euro is supposed to go in
Cyrillic fonts. Slot 219 is generally in use by other characters in
Cyrillic. I have looked on your site, Microsoft's Euro site and Apple's
Euro site. The only information I've come up with states:

"The Unicode assignment of the euro symbol is 20AC. The symbol will be
added to the following codepages at position '0x80'; 1250 Eastern European,
1252 Western, 1253 Greek, 1254 Turkish and 1257 Baltic. In 1251 Cyrillic
the symbol will be added at position '0x88'.

I hope you can provide me with the correct information. I appreciate your
help in this matter.

Thanks, Tamye
Tamye Riggs | GarageFonts
14605 Sturtevant Road | Silver Spring, MD 20905
tel 301-879-6955 | fax 301-879-0606
mailto:tamye@garagefonts.com | http://www.garagefonts.com

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