Re: FW: Euro for Cyrillics

Date: Fri Sep 10 1999 - 13:26:24 EDT

       Mac, Type 1. Anybody want to take over?

       ---------------------- Forwarded by Peter
       Constable/IntlAdmin/WCT on 09/10/99 01:31 PM

       From: <> AT Internet on 09/10/99 01:07 PM

       Received on: 09/10/99

       To: Peter Constable/IntlAdmin/WCT
       Subject: Re: FW: Euro for Cyrillics

       At 12:47 PM -0400 on 9/10/99, wrote:

> >However, I cannot find information on where the Euro
> supposed to go in Cyrillic fonts. Slot 219 is
       generally in use
> by other characters in Cyrillic. I have looked on your
> Microsoft's Euro site and Apple's Euro site.
> (I'm not sure why our friends at MS didn't answer
       this... )
> You didn't indicate what font format or platform
> targetting. If you're developing TrueType fonts for
       use on
> Windows, then all you need to be concerned about is
       that the
> euro glyph should be accessed in the cmap at x20AC.
       That's it.
> If you're talking Type 1 and/or Mac, I think there's
> involved, and I can't help you there.
> If you need to know where the euro is in cp1251, it's
       at x88
> (d136).
> (Why 219?)

       Oh, sorry, Peter. Yes, we initially develop for Macintosh Type
       1, then do conversions for other platforms/formats once fonts
       are finalized. In MacRoman, the Euro goes in Dec 219. That slot
       doesn't seem to be available in Cyrillics.

       If you have this information, great. If not, I'll dig around
       some more. Thanks for your quick response. I appreciate your

       Have a good weekend.
       Thanks, Tamye
       Tamye Riggs | GarageFonts
       14605 Sturtevant Road | Silver Spring, MD 20905
       tel 301-879-6955 | fax 301-879-0606 |

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