Real 3270s (was: 70s and 80s home computer characters)

From: Otto Stolz (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 16:49:08 EST

Am 2000-03-24 um 11:47 h PST hat Tony Harminc geschrieben:
> even in the days of real 3270s, various manufacturers used different
> glyphs and even plain text for the same purposes.

Real 3270s are still amongst the living.

Two days ago, I have been looking for office furniture. Some of the
computer desks exhibited in the shop were decorated with genuine
3270 keyboards. When I had found what I was looking for, the greater
surprise came at the cash-desk (where they also remotely check the
stock at hand with the delivery dept.): their whole EDP is based on
3270 terminals.

So, it is probably too early to talk about 3270s in the past tense.

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

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