"Unicode: The Movie"
Sell-out Premier at the Palace of Nine Arts
SAN FRANCISCO, California -- April 1, 2000 -- Move over Cosmoidal
Studios! There's a new team of independent film-makers in town!
In a spectacular sell-out debut today, the Unicode Consortium
unleashed a major motion picture that has critics raving like
hungry Chihuahuas. One critic went so far as to call it "a gauntlet
dropped at the feet of every producer in Hollywood; a monumental
achievement for the software industry." What's the scoop? It's
"Unicode: The Movie"...
A large "press packet" is available at:
The packet includes:
* Full text of the Press Release,
* Quotes from leading press sources,
* Detailed "backgrounder", and
* Links to the actual movie
I'm sure you won't want to miss this once-a-millenium
Yours effemerally,
-- Willow (the Wisp)
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