On Wed Apr 5 09:55:46 2000 -0800 Magda Danish (Unicode) wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Liz Robertson [mailto:liz@robertsonlanguages.co.uk]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 4:46 AM
> To: info@unicode.org
> Subject: Unicode in multi-lingual databases
> I don't know if you can help me, but I would be so grateful if you can
> either advise or point me in the right direction for advice. We are
> intending to set up a multi-lingual website built on a database, but
> have just discovered that the database (MySQL, Linux) does not support
> Unicode. We were assuming that it would be neccessary to support Unicode
> so that email or forms submitted from the site would be correct on
> arrival at the host. But I have also been told that Unicode would not be
> necessary to do this as there are "workarounds". Can you give me a
> definite answer to this problem so that we know whether to purchase a
> different database?
You can store UTF-8 in MySQL if you do not depend on right sorting
- but sorting is language dependant anyway. PostgreSQL among free DB's
have some support of Unicode. There are other commercial ones of cource.
You may want to look at Unicode HOWTO.
-- Ričardas Čepas ~~ ~
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