RE: Swedish data in Oracle table

Date: Thu Apr 20 2000 - 08:39:50 EDT

Hi Parvinder,
    I am giving you the solution to this query of yours with a view that you
are implementing this on Oracle, for any other rdbms, it will still hold
    1) In Oracle you do not have to specify the datatype as "N"varchar
(while In SQL Server 7 you have to),
    2) You require an OS that supports the language you are using be it
Spanish, Japanese, Korean etc.,
    3) Once you have your OS in place, you load your Oracle using the
language and everything else remains the same i.e, the syntax and all.

Hope this would solve your problem, still if you have queries regarding this
you can contact me directly.

Thanks & Regards,
Samir Mehrotra,
**, (off.)
**091-022-8291020 / 091-022-8290170 extn. (2059)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Parvinder Singh(EHPT) []
> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 5:43 PM
> To: Unicode List
> Cc: Unicode List
> Subject: Swedish data in Oracle table
> Hello everybody,
> I am new to the unicode world and unicode mailing list.
> Can anybody give a simple insert statement to insert a
> data into a column of datatype nvarchar2(100) of a
> table.
> The database character set defined in the create
> database command is UTF8(Unicode character set)
> My aim is that if col1 is nvarchar2(100),then how
> should I insert some Swedish characters "للللللل" in
> this column.
> I tried with this :
> SQL> insert into table1(col1) values(Swedish characters in single quote);
> I set NLS_LANG = Swedish_Sweden.WE8ISO8859P1 before going to SQL prompt.
> Is it OK ?
> Also is National Charcter Set need to be defined to accomplish the above
> task?
> If yes,How ?
> Thanks and Rgds,
> Parvinder

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