Some searches resulted in this:
Character GIFs
Conversion table file
Armenian localisation software
-Herman Ranes
Curtis Clark skreiv:
> A colleague wants to deliver a web page in Armenian both for local use and
> for use in Armenia. I showed him how to develop a page using SGML codes (in
> FrontPage), but AFAIK the only "freely" available Unicode font that
> includes Armenian is Arial Unicode MS. His Armenian correspondents have
> sent him an 8-bit font that displays the Armenian text they sent him
> correctly. But a modest amount of searching on my part has uncovered
> neither an ISO encoding nor a Windows codepage for Armenian. The next step
> would be to get a copy of the font and decipher the encoding, but it's
> easier to ask the experts.
> (This is what I get for offering a workshop on "using Unicode". <sigh>)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Curtis Clark
> Biological Sciences Department Voice: (909) 869-4062
> California State Polytechnic University FAX: (909) 869-4078
> Pomona CA 91768-4032 USA
-- Herman Ranes Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag Avdeling for teknologi Telefon +47 73559606 Institutt for elektroteknikk Telefaks +47 73559581 <> N-7004 Trondheim NOREG
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