Sorry if this is old news. Bitstream tells me:
"Bitstream no longer offers Cyberbit as a free download or a retail product.
Cybertbit is now available through our ISV/OEM sales department which sells
to software and/or hardware developers. An access fee and royalty structure
will be applied to the sale of this product.
If you are an developer and would like more information on this product
please contact the OEM sales department at: 617/497-6222.
Bitstream Sales"
Of course, they apparently forgot about the Bitstream Cyberbit distribution
buried at a certain web browser company's FTP site. At any rate, I believe
this means that now there are no *free* TrueType fonts with glyphs for a
substantial portion of Unicode. James Kass's Code2000 costs $5, and Arial
Unicode MS costs US $499 or more, but they do throw in Office 2000 for free.
[ cc'd to so can be
updated; the link to Bitstream on that page is bad, and they should add a
link to ]
- Mike
Mike J. Brown, software engineer, Webb Interactive Services
XML/XSL stuff:
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