Re: Condrabindu

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 21:31:59 EDT

Chookij V. asked:

> I have a quick question about "condrabindu" in unicode.
> Why does the unicode have 2 codepoints (U+0310 and U+0901) for
> "condrabindu" ?

There are actually more than 2. See also U+0981 for the Bengali
candrabindu, U+0A81 for the Gujarati candrabindu, etc.

U+0901 is intended for use with the Devanagari script -- the
normal usage.

U+0310 is intended for the relatively infrequent use of a
candrabindu as a diacritic in Latin transliteration of Indic

> Any other reasons for the different of these 2 codepoints ?


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