Lacking large curley brace building characters

From: Bernd Warken (
Date: Fri Jun 02 2000 - 18:25:12 EDT

As far as I see, there are no Unicode characters for building large
curley braces. Such braces are used in mathematics (for the definition
of variate functions and in combinatorics) and in music notation
(grouping of staffs).

Some parts of these braces can be constructed from the box drawing
characters U+2502 and U256D-70, but the central parts are lacking.

These characters are available in groff. If you want to know how the
glyphs for the central parts look try the following UNIX shell commands:

echo '\(lk\(rk' | groff -Tps >

Actually, the groff Unicode interface devutf8 maps the right central curley
\(rk to U+251D, and the left one \(lk to U+2525. This looks very ugly
and is not an appatizing for Unicode.

It's amazing that the Unicode Consortium did not include these
characters, for, they are already documented in the mother documentation
for all type-setting systems

J.F. Ossanna, Brian W. Kernighan - Troff User's Manual,
Bell Labs CST Report No. 54

The history of this classical paper dates back to the 1970s and was
maintained by Kernighan up to the 1990s. So Unicode should have known
about that.

I will not take up the torture of a character submission or even discuss
the subject. This is a friendly bug-report, not more. It's up to you
to use the information.

Bernd Warken <>

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