FW: Japanese Date Processing in Shift_JIS or UTF-8 encoding using JavaScript, JSP, or Java

From: Kedar Moghe (kmoghe@quark.com.sg)
Date: Fri Jun 09 2000 - 06:50:25 EDT


> I want to parse & display Date on HTML pages. I can use JavaScript, JSP,
> or Java. The problem is to convert the UTC date format into Japanese
> format. The delimiters of Japanese date differ from standard Date
> representation in English.
> My HTML/JSP pages are enforced to use UTF-8 encoding. So, when my
> ServerApplication dumps the Date related information, it is always in UTC
> date format. To display the same in Japanese format, I need to embed the
> Japanese delimiters into the date, re-calculate & re-format it, then
> display it. Since, the delimiters are in Shift_JIS, so I need to convert
> it into UTF-8 before displaying. That's the problem while displaying dates
> in Japanes format.
> Similarly, when the Date is keyed in by the user in a textbox of an HTML
> page, then I need to parse it using JavaScript. Even though the HTML page
> is enforced UTF-8 encoding, while the user enters the date in HTML
> textbox, the data remains in Shift_JIS format (system locale). It is
> converted to UTF-8 only after FORM submssion. But, my problem is to parse
> the date in JavaScript, which means that the date is still in Shift_JIS
> format. So, how do I do that?


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