Ar 29 Jun 2000, ag 8:45 scríobh Magda Danish (Unicode)
fán ábhar "FW: help!!":
> -----Original Message-----
> From: guan di []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 6:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: help!!
> Dear sir:
> I have a question concerning the
> internationalization of my Java application, which is
> the key point to the company's project. Do please
> help.
> The problem is:
> No matter what kind of software or Applet, the
> Chinese character that I input using njStar, cannot be
> converted to Unicode, which I have to use in the
> resouce bundle file to internationalize my
> application.
> I have tried quite a number of software, but it just
> doesn't work. I use Win98 English version.
If you mean the NJStar Chinese word processor you should be able to copy the
text in NJStar then in a program that can accept Unicode (such as MS Word 97)
go to the Edit menu and choose Paste Special. In the list of formats choose
Unformatted Text and your text will be pasted as Unicode text.
If you are using NJStar Communicator's input then you can use it's Universal
Code Converter to convert text on the clipboard or text in a file between any
of the Han codes and Unicode.
S e á n Ó S é a g h d h a
Is fuar agus is folamh clú gan chara. Seanfhocal.
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