I am using IE 5.5. I copy/paste some international content into a html form
and submit, it doesnt send the data to the cgi as unicode for the first time
but sends it as unicode anything that I append to the trash from the first
Is this some thing to do with IE 5.5 ?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Wendt [mailto:christw@microsoft.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 3:33 PM
> To: Unicode List
> Subject: RE: Unicode site
> From: George Zeigler [mailto:genz1968@mtu-net.ru]
> > I looked at the source code for http://calendar.msn.com
> >and found
> >charset=iso-8859-1
> OK, I lied: UTF-8 only after you pass the login screen and if you use
> Internet Explorer 4 or later or Navigator later than 4.5. Has the nice
> effect that you can manage your appointments in Russian or any other
> language covered by Unicode and use any UI language Calendar
> offers to look
> at them.
> >I went to the chinese page for the following site and looked
> at the source
> code.
> >http://search.msn.com/worldwide.asp
> >CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=big5
> >Maybe the data in the database is unicode, but the displayed
> html is not.
> Exactly. This was an example for a site that doesn't generate
> all it's pages
> in Unicode despite the fact that all internal data is in Unicode.
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