Hi Sujit,
Your problem is an old and somewhat famous one.
Older browsers (e.g. versions with numbers less than 5.0 of both IE and
Netscape) running on Windows (and sometimes other platforms) were designed
to use the font specified in the user's preferences. The preferences
dialog assigned a different font to each "language" or language type (for
example "Western"). The problem is that they associated the font with a
particular file encoding ("character set").
This means that the Unicode character set, which contains characters from
many languages and writing systems, was assigned one and only one font for
display. The default font (that it is set to at installation time) is
Times, a font that contains glyphs for Latin-based writing systems only.
In order to see the characters correctly in YOUR browser using NS 4.7x,
you can download a font that encodes most of the Unicode range, such as
Microsoft's Arial Unicode MS font, and set the Unicode encoding (or any
other encoding, for that matter) to use that font for display.
If you wish to see only Japanese characters (and assuming you have
Japanese fonts installed), you can just set the Unicode encoding to use
your favorite Japanese font (Mincho, Gothic, what have you) and your
problem with go away.
I should note that the "more modern" 5.x and 6.x browsers search your
system for appropriate fonts and this is why they work where 4.x browsers
There is also a detailed FAQ on the Unicode web site on this topic that
you may wish to search out.
Hope this helps,
Addison P. Phillips Principal Consultant
Inter-Locale LLC http://www.inter-locale.com
Los Gatos, CA, USA mailto:addison@inter-locale.com
+1 408.210.3569 (mobile) +1 408.904.4762 (fax)
Globalization Engineering & Consulting Services
On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Sujit Sunthankar wrote:
> Dear Addison,
> Sorry for butting in, but I am trying to locate appropriate Unicode fonts to
> display Japanese symbols correctly in Netscape 4.7x coded using Unicode.
> They display fine in IE 5.5 and Netscape 6. But just cannot display in
> Netscape 4.7x. They appear as blank squares.
> Any idea as to what I need and where can I find it?
> Thks
> Sujit
> -----Original Message-----
> From: addison@inter-locale.com [mailto:addison@inter-locale.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, 28 November 2000 11:48 AM
> To: Unicode List
> Cc: Unicode List
> Subject: Re: FW: embedding in HTML
> Dear Kai,
> You can use any of the Unicode characters in an HTML file if you encode
> the *entire* HTML file using the UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode character
> set. A META tag is almost certainly necessary in order to get the results
> that you desire from such a file.
> You should note that, although the file is properly encoded, you may see
> little black squares instead of the IPA characters if you do not have a
> font installed that includes the IPA characters. In addition, older
> browsers cannot automatically select an appropriate font, even if it is
> installed. The IPA characters are often unavailable.
> For an example of what a page looks like that includes the IPA Extensions
> in it, go to: http://www.inter-locale.com/demos/Character.html and choose
> 0x0200 from the list box. If your setup is like the one I'm viewing it
> with right now, you'll see big empty squares where the characters ought to
> be, even though the page is correctly encoded.
> Note that this page is a frameset. If you want to view the HTML source,
> be sure and select the left frame (or the right frame) for viewing, rather
> than the whole page.
> I hope this is helpful to you.
> Best Regards,
> Addison
> ===========================================================
> Addison P. Phillips Principal Consultant
> Inter-Locale LLC http://www.inter-locale.com
> Los Gatos, CA, USA mailto:addison@inter-locale.com
> +1 408.210.3569 (mobile) +1 408.904.4762 (fax)
> ===========================================================
> Globalization Engineering & Consulting Services
> On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Magda Danish (Unicode) wrote:
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kai Andresen [mailto:kai@kai-andresen.de]
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 10:51 PM
> > To: info@unicode.org
> > Subject: embedding in HTML
> >
> >
> > Dear Sirs,
> > How is it possible to embed characters of the IPA Extensions, as shown
> > at
> > http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0250.pdf
> > into HTML?
> > Is a 'meta'-tag necessary?
> >
> > Any kind of help will be appreciated immensely...!
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Yours
> > Kai Andresen
> >
> >
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