Michka wrote:
> Ok, it happened again. I can send mail to other people and the
> encoding stays intact. Just the Unicode List is losing it.
> Does anyone have any ideas on this?
Sarasvati contends that you're probably sending raw 8-bit mail
over an SMTP connection without any indication of the encoding,
nor any MIME headers in your message. The raw message that was
received by Unicode.ORG was _ALREADY_ munged into 7-bits, so the
fault does not lie with Unicode.ORG. Your original mail had this
interesting header in it, which might be of some interest...
> Received: from by mail5.microsoft.com (InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT); Tue, 12 Dec 2000 10:20:42 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
> Received: by inet-imc-05.redmond.corp.microsoft.com with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2651.58)
> id <YWS8WTM0>; Tue, 12 Dec 2000 10:20:41 -0800
Probably someone else is munging your mail on its way to me.
-- Sarasvati
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