Re: Plain text in Java ResourceBundle

From: David Gallardo (
Date: Thu Feb 22 2001 - 11:11:18 EST

I should mention that in my previous message I was talking specifically
about Sun's tools.

More importantly, however, while the Java spec itself mentions that Java
uses Unicode as it's char type, in Strings, identifiers etc., it doesn't
specify the mechanics of how this works. Someone could develop a compiler
that accepts source files in UTF-8 or UTF-16 for example.

You don't specify whose tools you are using, so your compiler may have
different options that Sun's.

(I also failed to mention in my previous message that Sun's compiler, javac,
has a -encoding option. This will perform a native to Unicode conversion of
a source file at compile time.)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard, Francois M" <>
To: "Unicode List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 2:22 PM
Subject: Plain text in Java ResourceBundle

> Related to the "clear" identification of plain text:
> My group is trying to convince developers to implement Unicode in their
> systems. So, one of our first task is to identify "plain text" in their
> systems so that we can understand the implication and requirements for
> implementing Unicode.
> A fairly common case is Java ResourceBundle. Java ResourceBundle files
> (resource file to store and retrieve messages used in Java application)
> are very simple: a KEY / VALUE pair separated by an "=" sign. For
> in a resourceBundle file, you will find:
> GreetingMessage="Hello"
> ByeMessage="See ya"
> ErrorMessage="Application error"
> ...
> The Java application retrieve the message using the key like in the
> following Java code:
> String GreetingLabel = introLabels.getString("GreetingMessage");
> ...
> Question: What is plain text in this ResourceBundle file ?
> The VALUE is. I am not sure about the KEY part. Actually the KEY / VALUE
> pair looks like a kind of format...
> Francois

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