RE: Innovative use of Latin ?!

From: Ayers, Mike (
Date: Mon Jul 02 2001 - 13:39:03 EDT

> From: Thomas Chan []

> On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, Ayers, Mike wrote:

> > /|/|ike
> The way you sign your messages is related to that, isn't it?
> :) I've seen
> "]\/[", too.

        Only related in spirit. I typed some slashes and bars together once
(I forget why - maybe a mistype), and saw the pattern, so I started signing
that way. I'd never seen it done before elsewhere, although I don't think
I'd believe that it hadn't been done before.


ObUnicode: The original example of "L33T" writing illustrates what I
believe to be a fundamental principle of computer culture: Given a tool,
people will find uses for that tool which the toolmaker probably never
imagined. When we discussed the issue of a single Unicode font some time
ago, one of the things on my mind was writing similar to this - that is,
writing which uses glyphs collected from all the languages of the world.
Also, I expect to see smileys which use lots of new glyphs. Typographers,
please don't cry - it's just human nature...

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