Hexagrams (was Re: New characters query)

From: Edward Cherlin (Edward.Cherlin.SY.67@aya.yale.edu)
Date: Tue Jul 03 2001 - 14:33:19 EDT

At 11:18 PM 7/2/2001, Rick McGowan wrote:
>I don't think there's any point in encoding 64 hexagrams; especially when
>we have the pieces already. Use the pieces of three and position them with
>a drawing program. We don't have combining thingies for putting chess
>pieces on board squares, either.
> Rick

We don't have a problem with diagrams in any case. But we're talking about
using hexagrams in text.

Edward Cherlin
"A knot! Oh, do let me help to undo it."
Alice in Wonderland

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