Re: status of Jindai scripts?

From: Thomas Chan (
Date: Tue Jul 03 2001 - 14:35:56 EDT

On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Rick McGowan wrote:

> Thomas Chan wrote...
> > I'd like to ask about the encoding status of the Japanese "Jindai"
> > scripts, which are mentioned in older documents[1], and until a certain
> > point in time, versions of the Roadmap.
> Do you have a paper on the topic? You say "over a dozen 'Jindai'
> scripts". What does this mean? Is it a style of stylization? A style of
> its own? Something else entirely? A cipher on Chinese characters? Of
> Kana?
> I don't know anyone who knows enough about it to even answer basic
> questions. We know it's Japanese, and is probably associated with Shinto.

Sorry, I don't know more about what they are. My count of "over a dozen"
is based on the number of "xxx moji's" listed in the caption of the
illustration I cited. They seem to be ciphers of kana.

I'm just puzzled by the disappearance of mentions of them in what I can
find on the publically available parts of the and WG2
websites, even if its just to say that not enough is known about them to
do anything, e.g., WG2 N1955 (1999.1.26) mentions that there is not enough
data, WG2 2046 (1999.8.15) and later don't mention them at all, as far as
I can see.

Thomas Chan

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