Re: status of Jindai scripts?

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Tue Jul 03 2001 - 16:21:07 EDT

At 14:35 -0400 2001-07-03, Thomas Chan wrote:

>I'm just puzzled by the disappearance of mentions of them in what I can
>find on the publically available parts of the and WG2
>websites, even if its just to say that not enough is known about them to
>do anything, e.g., WG2 N1955 (1999.1.26) mentions that there is not enough
>data, WG2 2046 (1999.8.15) and later don't mention them at all, as far as
>I can see.

Do you want the Roadmap Ad-Hoc to look at putting them in ? What
category would you recommend? As I say, I think they're ineligible.

If anyone can tell me why the <ol></ol> tags in that document number
out of sequence I'd be delighted to know.

Michael Everson

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