Re: New characters query

From: Richard Cook (rscook@socrates.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Tue Jul 03 2001 - 19:40:29 EDT

John Cowan wrote:
> Rick McGowan scripsit:
> > I don't think there's any point in encoding 64 hexagrams; especially when
> > we have the pieces already. Use the pieces of three and position them with
> > a drawing program. We don't have combining thingies for putting chess
> > pieces on board squares, either.
> No. But don't the hexagrams appear in running text with hanzi? If so,
> then IMHO they should be encoded separately.
Yes, that's right. In running text with Hanzi, and also in running text
with Kanji, and also in running text with English, and what have you ...

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