Re: Shavian (was: Re: UTF-17)

From: Richard Cook (rscook@socrates.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 15:01:02 EDT

Michael Everson wrote:
> At 11:10 -0700 2001-07-04, Richard Cook wrote:
> >Michael Everson wrote:
> >>
> >> UTC approved it and there's a new document from John Jenkins and me
> >> on Shavian for WG2, so it should get approved for ballotting at the
> >> next meeting of WG2.
> >
> >Hi Michael,
> >
> >I'm new to the idea that anyone would care to have Shavian encoded. Will
> >you enlighten me?
> Easily: just read

> C. Technical -- Justification
> 1. Contact with the user community?
> Yes, such as it is.

funny :-)

now, I know of other phonemic alphabets for English ... e.g., I think
Ben Franklin invented one, ... and I have one of my own. Are any of
these slated for encoding too?

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