Re: Shavian

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 12:53:27 EDT

From: "Michael Everson" <>

> >>The editorial response to comments from national groups, in the
> >>public archive of ISO 10646 stuff that you linked to at the start
> >>of this message, included a complaint about Deseret from the German
> >>Standards body, in that it was inappropriate for being a fictional
> >>script.
> >
> >Excuse me??!?
> That's what you get for missing WG2 meetings, John. Yup, that's what
> the German ballot comments said. We dismissed them. Politely. :-)

It seems both of you missed the subtext here, and the reason that the
attempt to introduce fictional scripts might cause consternation (the
original point here)?

The German ballot comments about Deseret were dismissed on the basis that it
was not, in fact, a fictional script. Obviously a dismissal worded the same
way for an actual fictional script would not be possible, and the resistance
to fictional scripts will have to be directly addressed?


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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