Re: Shavian

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 11:55:16 EDT

At 08:49 -0600 2001-07-06, John H. Jenkins wrote:

>True, but the criterion being applied by the UTC is whether or not
>there are users of the script who wish to exchange data using it.
>There are also periodic objections from various states to providing
>characters or scripts used by minority languages which they wish
>would go away. Unicode's criteria are different.


>>The editorial response to comments from national groups, in the
>>public archive of ISO 10646 stuff that you linked to at the start
>>of this message, included a complaint about Deseret from the German
>>Standards body, in that it was inappropriate for being a fictional
>Excuse me??!?

That's what you get for missing WG2 meetings, John. Yup, that's what
the German ballot comments said. We dismissed them. Politely. :-)

Michael Everson

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