How far afield can we go? (was Re: Re: Erratum in Unicode book)

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Sun Jul 08 2001 - 20:24:54 EDT

From: "てんどうりゅうじ" <>

> >> Perhaps he (縺ヲ繧薙←縺・j繧・≧縺・ was lamenting the character's absence
> >> in the Han Radical Index section under radical # 85.

> Yes. It belongs there.

Its so sad that you do not have a UTF-8 compatible e-mail client. :-(

> Come on. What ワープロばか (which probably most of us are) can possibly be
expected to know the radical of even *one* kanji? Heck, we're lucky if we
even know the right stroke order for our own name! Since we probably never
write it anyway, but rather just type it!

Hey now, lets not be calling people fools or anything!

> So why have a radical / stroke index at all? Base it on smething else. Put
the kanji in question under sa.

Well, the reason is that it exists. And that it is very interesting and
useful from a historical perspective, as well as lignuistic one. But that
does not make it all things to all people. And you really only need one way
to say sake, after all: the below was jest!

Also, a tool is not useless just because it does not do everything; if it
were, my toaster that has no alarm clock built in would be in the trash can,

> >Eskimoes have over 200 words for snow, right? I suppose one could place a
> >priority on things such as sake if one wished to (there was once a time I
> >would have wanted something similar for other forms of alcohol, so I can
> >relate). :-)
> What's the kanji for beer?

No idea. Maybe ビール? Not sure, since I don't drink beer...

I may suggest to the bartender here that you have had enough saki for the
time being? <grin>


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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