Euro sign in HTML

From: Otto Stolz (
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 10:09:52 EDT


further to the concerns expressed in the "Eudora" thread,
I'd like to point to an easy solution: exploit the euro
entity defined in the last line of
which was already defined in HTML 4.0 as of 1998-04-24.

Every decent browser should handle "&euro;" legibly, even
if no Euro symbol is available in the fonts at hand. E. g.,
Netscape communicator 4.7 displays "10,23 EUR", in my Irix
system, where Netscape Communicator 4.75 has "10,23 ¤",
on my PC. (Note that this message is tagged as ISO 8859-15
and the previous sentence contains a true Euro symbol).

Even "10,23 &euro;", as displayed by pre-4.0 browsers, is
legible to some extend.

For an example of this technique, go to
you may wish to try this with your own browser.

Best wishes,
    Otto Stolz

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