RE: How to create an all UTF-8 Web site using Java (JSP)

From: Paul Deuter (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 13:51:25 EDT

Sorry ... there is a mistake in my email.
I am setting content type on the response object not the request object.
response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");

I keep on discovering more and more classes which have this insidious
assumption of 8859-1. If anyone knows how to override this default
encoding in a global fashion that would be great to know. Apparently
there is a command line parameter for Websphere:

but this does not appear to be universal for all J2EE application

Thanks in advance,

Plumtree Software

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Deuter
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 10:00 PM
To: Unicode List (E-mail)
Subject: How to create an all UTF-8 Web site using Java (JSP)

How do I create a pure UTF-8 web site? Specifically is there a way to
change the standard servlet class to use UTF-8 as the default char
encoding instead of ISO 8859-1?

I have looked at the source code for Jakarta Tomcat 3.2.2 and noticed
the statement:

public static final String DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING = "8859-1"; (in

The various classes such as HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
use this constant when creating the default readers and writers and as a
consequence, the web site ends up being Latin-1.

I have experimented with adding the line:

request.setContentType("text/html; charset="UTF-8");

This change does correctly change the encoding of the request object to
UTF-8 and subsequent output gets sent to the browser in UTF-8. However
the response object incorrectly interprets response data because it is
decoding %XX octets as Latin-1 instead of UTF-8.

I know there is special code that I can write such as
String param = request.getParameter("parameter1");
byte[] rawVal = param.getBytes("UTF-8")
//create new string again.
param = new String(rawVal);

However I would prefer not to have to write special code to re-interpret
data after the fact. Also there are other standard classes which also
seem to assume iSO-8859-1 as the default character set (such as
URLDecoder an URLEncoder). Since internal data will always be Unicode,
I would prefer to set the default encoding to UTF-8 and be able to write
standard Java code.

Is there an easy way to override the default encoding at a low level so
that all the classes that use the default encoding will just work?

Paul Deuter
Plumtree Software

Paul Deuter
Internationalization Manager
Plumtree Software

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