Re: Unicode and windows menus

From: B (
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 13:33:07 EDT

I did try it and it did not work.



--- Original Message ---
$B:9=P?M(B: "Michael (michka) Kaplan" <>;
$B08@h(B:;11 <>;
$BF|;~(B: 01/07/18 17:05
$B7oL>(B: Re: Unicode and windows menus

>From: "11 digit boy" <>
>> I tried that and it didn't work. I was using Windows 98.
>> Windows 98 is a major mojibaka.
>Look Robert, if you want to try to interject your unique and non-funny type
>humor/confusion into conversations between regulars here who know how to
>take you (which is of course to ignore you), then thats fine.
>But I am pretty sure if you continue to make it impossible for people who
>are looking for help to GET that help without confusion that you will find
>yourself kicked off the list. Sarasvati can only take so much amusement
>before she needs to make sure the list can actually be a useful resource,
>you know?
>Please limit the amount of randomization and confusion you add to the
>Michael Kaplan
>Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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