RTF language codes

From: jgo (john@nisus.com)
Date: Mon Jul 23 2001 - 19:03:57 EDT

I was reading:


and trying to figure out the RTF language codes when I found:
"The following table defines the standard languages used by Microsoft.
This table was generated by the Unicode group for use with TrueType
and Unicode.
Language ID (hexadecimal) ID (decimal)
Afrikaans 0x0436 1078
Albanian 0x041c 1052
Arabic 0x0401 1025
Arabic Algeria 0x1401 5121
Arabic Bahrain 0x3c01 15361...
Xhosa 0x0434 1076
Yiddish 0x043d 1085
Zulu 0x0435 1077"

I don't see such a table via search from the Unicode site.
Is this just another M$ non-standard "standard" subject to
change at a whim? (Does the consortium have anything to do
with it at all?)

Since I'm trying to use it with MacOS 9-, how does this fit
with Apple's script and region codes... or does it? (And
where can I find those, if so?)

John G. Otto Nisus Software, Engineering
www.infoclick.com www.mathhelp.com www.nisus.com software4usa.com
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                                                   Will program Macs for food.

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