Re: some kind of virus?

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 12:27:40 EDT

I have gotten roughly 100 of them, from various email addresses on my web


----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl W. Brown" <>
To: "Michael Everson" <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 8:47 AM
Subject: RE: some kind of virus?

> Michael,
> I have gotten three of them. One from Sriharsha Sankarrao and two from
> deportes. Two in English and one in Spanish. Fortunately I did not open
> the attachment.
> Form the ICU list:
> Some people on the ICU mailing list have been getting the
> W32.Sircam.Worm@mm virus, like myself. The normal ICU list has been
> getting these these messages too, but the wonderful e-mail filter is
> keeping them out.
> The sender that sent it to me was "Sunil Jagtap"
> <>, and it will have some sort of message
> saying that you should look at an attachment. Delete this message
> immediately.
> While looking at the internals of this virus, the senders or recipients
> may also be the following:
> Ms. Bhattacharjee Neela
> Thane Healthcare
> Mr. Chaukar Nikhil
> Mr. Jagtap Sunil
> Ms. Srivastava Sumeeti
> Mr. Sarda Pankaj
> Ms. Jayade Vaishali
> Mr. Mithsagar Sumedh
> Mr. Moharir Kanhaiyas
> Here is some information on the virus:
> W32.Sircam.Worm@mm was discovered on July 17, 2001. It contains its own
> SMTP engine in order to propagate itself similarly to the
> W32.Magistr.Worm. SARC has received several submissions of this worm from
> corporate customers. The worm is still being analyzed more in depth and
> this page will be updated as new information becomes available. SARC will
> be posting new virus definitions around 3 AM (Pacific) on July 18th.
> The worm will arrive in an email with the following content:
> The "Subject" of the email will be random and will be the same as the
> filename of the attachment in the email.
> The "Body" of the message will be semi-random but will alway contain one
> of the following two types (either English or Spanish) as first sentence
> of the message and last sentence.
> Spanish Version:
> TOP LINE: Hola como estas ?
> LAST LINE: Nos vemos pronto, gracias.
> English Version:
> TOP LINE: Hi! How are you?
> LAST LINE: See you later. Thanks
> In between these two sentences may contain some of the following text.
> Spanish Version:
> Te mando este archivo para que me des tu punto de vista
> Espero me puedas ayudar con el archivo que te mando
> Espero te guste este archivo que te mando
> Este es el archivo con la informacion que me pediste
> English Version:
> I send you this file in order to have your advice
> I hope you can help me with this file that I send
> I hope you like the file that I send you
> This is the file with the information that you ask for
> George Rhoten
> IBM Globalization Center of Competency/ICU Cupertino, CA, USA
> _______________________________________________
> icu mailing list
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: []On
> > Behalf Of Michael Everson
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:40 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: OT: some kind of virus?
> >
> >
> > I KNOW this isn't the forum for this, but for the last three days
> > I've been getting mail from all sorts of people I never heard of,
> > which contains some 170K attachment, and the following text:
> >
> > Hi! How are you?
> > I send you this file in order to have your advice
> > See you later. Thanks.
> >
> > And sometimes this text is in Spanish!
> >
> > I've never been beseiged like this before, and I was wondering if
> > there was something nasty going round.
> >
> > I suspect Sarasvati would appreciate it if you answered me personally
> > rather than to the list.
> >

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