RE: Errata in language/script list: xUSSR languages

From: Marco Cimarosti (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 13:11:35 EDT

James Kass wrote:
> Peter Constable wrote,
> > It's my understanding that the Nivkh Cyrillic writing
> > system requires a couple of characters that are not yet
> > in Unicode. These same characters are also required for
> > Yupik (Central Siberian Yupik, I think -- maybe other
> > varieties as well).
> For a nice illustration of the Nivkh alphabet:

Seems to me that, using composing diacritics, all letters can be encoded:

        410 411 412 413 492 413+321
414 415 401 416 417 418 419 41A
41A+31B 49A 49A+31B 41B 41C 41D 4C7 41E
41F 41F+31B 420 420+30C 421 422 422+31B 423
424 425 4B2 425+335 426 427 428 429
        42A 42B 42C 42D 42E 42F

(I maintained the same layout as the beautiful chart on the above web site,
and I removed the leading zero from codes to keep lines short.)

Notice that the combination 413+321 probably requires an ad-hoc glyph or a
special kerning between the base letter and the diacritic.

_ Marco

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