Re: Comments on FCD 5218, "Codes for the representation of human sexes"

From: Thierry Sourbier (
Date: Sat Dec 01 2001 - 06:21:42 EST


> In the column headed "Élément de donnée", the data items
> corresponding to the codes 1 and 2 are given as "Masculin"
> and "Féminin". In the English version they are correctly
> given as "Male" and "Female". Is it not the case that
> French maintains the same distinction between sex (of
> living organisms) and gender (of words) as English does?
> In that case, shouldn't the French words for "Male" and
> "Female" be shown as "Mâle" and "Femelle", respectively?

The translation "Masculin" and "Féminin" is correct. If the terms "Mâle" and
"Femelle" are indeed used in France to describe sex of living organisms they
are not used for human beings and would actually be found quite offending in
that context. I believe the situation is the same on the other side of the
Atlantic (unless Alain contradicts me :).

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