The virus

From: Arjun Aggarwal (
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 01:23:04 EST

Hi Everybody

I am extremely sorry for the virus story.I myself did not know that there was a virus lurking in my e-mails.
It was actually a Worm by the name W32/BadTrans@MM which i just yesterday cleared from my computer.
It was an embeded Worm with an extended .scr extension.
This particular virus had inflicted thousands of computers in the last 1 month.

My e-mails will contain no further virus of any sort and even this one was absolutely unintentional.

Mr. Marco Cimarosti wrote:

>(I could't resist:-) And does it look like a half consonant?

I appreciate it as good humour.
You are right . I am in fact so much after half characters because in India the mechanical typewriter have had half characters joining with a danda to form a full one since 40 years.

With Regards

Arjun Aggarwal

Please reply to me at

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