Yves Arrouye wrote:
>France's Académie française is good at that: they recently invented cédérom
>(CD-ROM; gets used because it's quite okay), and mèl (mail, for e-mail;
>nobody uses it except to make fun of it).
Mél (which I oppose) was never proposed as a word but as an
abbreviation for "messagerie électronique" (we are told as tél is one
for téléphone on business cards). "Le symbole : Mél., pour « messagerie
électronique », peut figurer devant l'adresse électronique sur un
document (papier à lettres ou carte de visite, par exemple), tout comme
Tél. devant le numéro de téléphone. « Mél. » NE doit PAS être employé
comme substantif." And strictly speaking the Academy only approved this
abreviation and did not proposed it, the Ministry of Culture did.
In Québec, one usually reads, hears and sees "courriel" (courrier+él
ectronique). The steps of the main metro station of Montréal were some
time ago painted in purple and yellow with "Yahoo! Courriel" painted on
them. I won't deny that from time to time, one will not have to suffer
a Hexagonal "mail"...
Patrick Andries
--- http://hapax.iquebec.com
"In the first edition of this dictionary it was said that in many
compounds whose second element begins with h the h is silent unless the
accent falls on the syllable that it begins; thus philhellenic and
philharmonic should not sound the h; in nihilism also it should be
silent. Here too the speak-as-you-spell movement has been at work, and
though the COD [Concise Oxford Dictionary] does not favour the
pronunciation of the h in these words, it is in fact often heard, and
some modern modern dictionaries give it. See "a", "an", "I",
"honorarium", "hotel" [also references to old silent h pronunciations in
herb, hospital, humble, humour] and "wh" [hw sound [re]gaining ground
under the influence of the speak-as-you-spell movement in England]"
(Fowler's Modern English Usage, 2nd ed., 1965)
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