[OT] Rich man Bill (RE: Issues with Unicode Hindi)

From: Marco Cimarosti (marco.cimarosti@essetre.it)
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 13:44:57 EST

> [...] but do we rob the rich man because he is rich?
> (I hope everyone thinks the answer here is no!).

I have been told that this mailing list is not for politics, so let's stick
to bare logics:

1. "we rob the poor man because he is poor"
2. "we rob the poor man because he is rich"
3. "we rob the rich man because he is poor"
4. "we rob the rich man because he is rich"

Do you agree that 2 and 3 are self-contradictory? So the choice is between 1
and 4...

_ Marco

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