RE: [OT] Rich man Bill (RE: Issues with Unicode Hindi)

From: Rick Cameron (
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 14:14:22 EST

Hi, Michael

By 'we', do you mean Microsoft? If so, I'm surprised you identify yourself
so closely with that corporation - I thought you were an independent

As for the question of whether Microsoft has robbed anyone, I would say that
there are a couple of cases before the courts that bear on that very
question - and that Microsoft hasn't been faring very well in establishing
its innocence! ;^)


- rick cameron

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael (michka) Kaplan []
Sent: Thursday, 24 January 2002 11:06
To: Marco Cimarosti; Dinesh Agarwal;
Subject: Re: [OT] Rich man Bill (RE: Issues with Unicode Hindi)
Importance: Low

We rob NO ONE. We behave with honor and we wish others to do the same with

Its a respect thing.


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc. --

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marco Cimarosti" <>
To: "'Michael (michka) Kaplan'" <>; "Dinesh Agarwal"
<>; <>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:44 AM
Subject: [OT] Rich man Bill (RE: Issues with Unicode Hindi)

> > [...] but do we rob the rich man because he is rich?
> > (I hope everyone thinks the answer here is no!).
> I have been told that this mailing list is not for politics, so let's
> to bare logics:
> 1. "we rob the poor man because he is poor"
> 2. "we rob the poor man because he is rich"
> 3. "we rob the rich man because he is poor"
> 4. "we rob the rich man because he is rich"
> Do you agree that 2 and 3 are self-contradictory? So the choice is
> between
> and 4...
> _ Marco

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