On Sun, Jan 27, 2002 at 03:50:08AM +0200, Isam Bayazidi wrote:
> Hi all ..
> I have a quick question, we are developing several Arabic enabled software,
> and adding Arabic support to already existing ones .. and one of the issues
> that we faced is Should we store the numbers in thier Hindi Format or ASCII ?
> we know that showing them in what ever look is a matter of preferance, but
> what we are asking .. what would be better action to do , to store the digits
> displayed in hindi in thier Hindi encodings, or use the Arabic digits defined
> in ASCII ( the first 128 places of ISO ) ?
If you're storing numbers as character data, then you should probably
store them like you display them, in the local format. If you storing
numbers in a file that happen to be serialized as character data, use
ASCII and standardize on a format (some European locales use ',' as a
decimal point, whereas Americans use '.', the source of many bugs where
files written in one locale couldn't be read in another.).
-- David Starner - starner@okstate.edu, dvdeug/jabber.com (Jabber) Pointless website: http://dvdeug.dhis.org What we've got is a blue-light special on truth. It's the hottest thing with the youth. -- Information Society, "Peace and Love, Inc."
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