Devanagari enthousiasm!

From: Yaap Raaf (
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 04:59:48 EST

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Subject: Re: devagnagri test version 2
From: hanu_man <>
Newsgroups: alt.language.hindi
Date: 26 Feb 2002 06:45:22 -0800 (M. Ranjit Mathews) wrote in message news:<>...
> (hanu_man) wrote ...
> > (Gazab Ho gaya) wrote ...
> > > (hanu_man) wrote ...
> > > > ascii
> > > >
> > > > go to view->encoding->more->Unicode(UTF-8)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ?????????????????? ???
> > > >
> > > > ????????? ????????? ??????
> > >
> > > YES!!!!!
> > >
> > > You did it. I can read your Devanagari. Now please tell me how I can
> > > post here. Thanx a million!!!
> >
> > OK. All I did was:
> > On the google posting page, turned the encoding to UTF-8.
> > Changed the keyboard to Hindi in XP (Left Alt+Shift).
> > Type the word in Hindi.
> > Preview (view in UTF-8, it looked fine).
> Wow! Can this be done on Linux/Netscape or Win98/Explorer? Isn't it
I'm not sure.
There's something called IndX.
I gave up on Linux long time ago. Half the junk doesn't compile.


Win98: You need something called Opentype Devanagri fonts
to VIEW the Hindi unicode text.
You can get a good font for free from BBC Hindi site.
To POST from Win98, you will need some third party Hindi
keyboard software which is Unicode compatible . It seems
aksharmala is.

As we all know, Win9X do not support Unicode, so there is
no help from Microsoft there.

> necessary to install a Devanagari typeface(fonts) in order to read
> what one is typing in Devanagari? Can you post more detailed
Yes. There is a standard called Opentype for Unicode scripts.

> instructions on how to do this? Can others always read what one has
> written; i.e., don't they need to install Devanagari fonts to read it?
Others can always read what has been written IF:
the posting encoding was UTF-8 (ie , a STANDARD, not somebody's whim
at making fonts). This makes it INDEPENDENT of the FONTS if the fonts
follow the Opentype STANDARD. So if anyone wants to sell anymore fonts,
they better convert those fonts to Opentype before its too late.

The reader should have Opentype fonts for that script installed. (which is a
STANDARD way of mapping Unicode to Glyphs in the fonts ,ie., CMap, and
making conjuncts out of Unicode strings)

You make the association between script and font in tools->options->fonts

> I don't see where on a google posting page one has an option to change
> to UTF-8 (I'm currently using the Netscape browser on Unix).

The UTF-8 option is in Internet explorer, not in google.
I don't know about Netscape - maybe someone else can help you on that.
I'm pretty sure it supports UTF-8 becasuwe that's what the W3C says
is the standard.
> > Post.

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