At 12:19 -0800 2002-06-03, Asmus Freytag wrote:
>At 01:20 PM 3/6/02 +0000, Michael Everson wrote:
>>I am writing with Eudora version 5.1b16 for Mac OS X, using the Mac
>>Roman character set because Eudora doesn't support Unicode. When
>>Eudora sends mail, it sends as ISO/IEC 8859-1 so far as I know.
>Just don't use characters that aren't in 8859-1, spelling it out as
>"euro" would have been fine. As a standards-guy, you should know
>what's in 8859 and what's not.
I am using Mac OS X, and when I type option-2, I have a perfectly
good euro sign. If that comes out as a currency sign on some other
systems, it isn't *my* fault. I'm not willing to spell out "euro"
while being able to type $ and ¥ and ¢! I could go back to EUR and
USD and JPY....
Anyway I can't do anything about what Eudora sends out at present.
-- Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***
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