OT: Qualcomm/Eudora and I18N/MIME support(was..Re: The cent sign)

From: Jungshik Shin (jshin@mailaps.org)
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 16:39:59 EST

On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Michael Everson wrote:

> Someone wrote to me:
> >It seems that you are tagging your ISO-8859-15 emails as ISO-8859-1. So
> >many people with standard compliant email clients will see U+00A4 CURRENCY
> >SIGN instead of your intended U+20AC EURO SIGN.

  I've seen this problem in messages of others as well on this list.
I had to switch MIME charset _manually_ to get Euro sign right (while
using Mozilla to read them.)

> >I think this is really bad for a standards guy...
> I am writing with Eudora version 5.1b16 for Mac OS X, using the Mac
> Roman character set because Eudora doesn't support Unicode. When
> Eudora sends mail, it sends as ISO/IEC 8859-1 so far as I know. There
> used to be plug-ins for changing transliteration. but these don't
> seem to be supported in OS X (I tried them once and it crashed
> Eudora).
> I wonder what Qualcomm is doing about this? It has been suggested

  Qualcomm's trackrecord in MIME/I18N/other internet mail
standard support in Eudora is not so spectacular (actually, 'terrible' is
better to describe it than 'not so spectacular'.). Under MacOS, it's been
better with some transliteration tables available, but under MS-Windows,
it had been all but impossible to use Eudora in a *standard-compliant*
way for non-Western-European languages for a long time because it didn't
even allow users to tag outgoing messages with MIME charset other than
ISO-8859-1. It's really annoying to receive emails in Windows-1252 but
labelled as ISO-8859-1 sent by Eudora users.

  It's ironic that some of mail related RFCs of IETF were written
by authors working at Qualcomm. Those authors may work at a different
division of Qualcomm than the one making Eudora ;-).

> that I use Apple's Mail program, but I have been using Eudora for
> years and like its functionality.

  I understand it's very hard to switch from a familiar mail client, but
considering Eudora's bad trackrecord, I don't think Unicode support will
come out any time soon. It may be time to make a difficult decision :-)

  Jungshik Shin

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