Re: Euros and cents

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 07:37:55 EST

At 06:05 +0100 2002-03-27, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

> > Here in the US, I don't think I've ever heard euro as a plural. My
>> German teacher was passing euros (yes, auf Englisch) around class
>> today, not euro. "Having 3 euro" seems very unnatural; having 3
>> euros or euroes or even euren (analagous to children, boxen, Vaxen,
>> oxen) would be more natural.
>At least in Austria, we have both plural forms `Euro' and `Euros'.
>The former is used in phrases like: `Das kostet 3 Euro 40 Cent'. The
>latter is used to actually count Euro coins, i.e. the phrase `I habe
>drei Euros' means that I have three 1-Euro coins.

And all of that conforms to German grammar perfectly well.

Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***

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