How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?
From: Theodore H. Smith (
Date: Wed May 29 2002 - 08:11:35 EDT
- Previous message: Theodore H. Smith: "Why isnt the posting address on the list?"
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- Reply: Hohberger, Clive: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Theodore H. Smith: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Suzanne M. Topping: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Rick Cameron: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Rick Cameron: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Shlomi Tal: "Re: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Kenneth Whistler: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
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I need to know exactly how UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 is encoded. I heard
that UTF32 can have surrogates, so I can't just expect them
to be scalar values.
Having a nice detailed and clear explanation would help, with
plenty of examples and effects of the encoding and all kinds of
things to make it easier to understand would help.
Or perhaps I'm just reacting to the confusion of the UniCode
website and its not that hard to understand and a simple definition
would do? But the first idea certainly wouldn't hurt.
Theodore H. Smith - Macintosh Consultant / Contractor.
My website: <>
- Previous message: Theodore H. Smith: "Why isnt the posting address on the list?"
- Next in thread: i18nGuy Tex Texin: "Re: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: i18nGuy Tex Texin: "Re: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Hohberger, Clive: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Theodore H. Smith: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Suzanne M. Topping: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Rick Cameron: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Rick Cameron: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Shlomi Tal: "Re: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
- Reply: Kenneth Whistler: "RE: How is UTF8, UTF16 and UTF32 encoded?"
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