Re: Pronunciation of U+0429

From: Radovan Garabik (
Date: Fri Aug 09 2002 - 08:11:32 EDT

Rick Cameron wrote:

> Is Щ pronounced in Russian something like the ich-Laut in German? I

not at all. first, Щ is a double consonant
> believe
> this sound is represented in IPA by /ç/. In TUS 2.0 it says that
> /ɕ/
> (U+0255) represents the sound spelled with ś (U+015B) in Polish, so
> perhaps
> these sounds are different. If so, any hints on the difference?

> (FWIW, I too was taught that Щ was pronounced /ʃʧ/ - but my

that is indeed the "official" pronunciation, and if you ask an (educated) Russian
speaker to slowly pronounce a word with Щ he will pronounce it as
/ʃʧ/ - but I guess it is influenced by orthography.
In normal speech, this sound is almost like /ʃː/ or /ɕː/ (definitely softer
than just plain /ʃː/)

> Russian teacher
> was a Czech! Are there any Slavic languages that do have a letter
> pronounced
> /ʃʧ/?)

east slovak dialects, and it is a real combination of two phonemes /ʃʧ/ there
(and it is usually written šč, when these dialects are written down at all)
however, in some dialects it turns into /ɕʨ/ as known from polish

btw ukrainian pronunciation of Щ is IMHO /ʃː/

| Radovan Garabik |
| __..--^^^--..__    garabik @     |
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